God’s Goodness – Lòng Nhân Hậu của Thiên Chúa

How have you seen God’s goodness in your life? Do you remember who you were when He called you? Have there been times when...

Choosing Thankfulness – Hãy Lựa Chọn Lòng Biết Ơn

A human perspective on thankfulness often includes looking at our circumstances and giving thanks based on the blessings and benefits we perceive. Scripture offers...

Worth The Sacrifice – Giá Trị Của Sự Hi Sinh

Following Jesus is not without cost, nor is it without sacrifice. Jesus made that clear to His first disciples, and the New Testament and...

Transformed and Transforming – Được Biến Đổi Để Biến Đổi Người Khác

The early disciples began as people who needed to be led; through their time with Jesus, they were transformed into people who could lead...

Humility – Khiêm Nhường

Humility is just one of a list of unexpected qualities that are to set us apart from other leaders. But it is central to...

Honoring Those Who Serve – Tôn vinh những người phục vụ

The world honors those who hold positions of great prestige and power. What about honoring those who serve? Many people serve selflessly, giving themselves...

What Does It Look Like? – Muối và Ánh Sáng Trông Như Thế Nào?

Now that the 2016 United States election is over, what is the response of Jesus-followers? We are reminded in Scripture that we are to...

The Importance of Prayer – Tầm Quan Trọng Của Lời Cầu Nguyện

Paul knew the importance of the prayers of God’s people in his ministry role. Whether it is in our personal discipleship, as a friend...

God Rules – Những Nguyên Tắc Của Chúa

Scripture repeatedly declares God’s sovereignty. This is His universe. He alone holds ultimate power and control over all that He has created. He is...

Guiding Values – Những giá trị hướng dẫn

Life provides many opportunities to make values-based choices. Conflicting values surround us, with God’s Word as one of many different voices that seek our...
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Moving School 2022

Thư Mời Các bạn trẻ thân mến, Trong ý hướng không ngừng học hỏi và tự đào tạo để trở nên những Kitô hữu dấn thân...

Be a Teacher, not an “Oracle” – Hãy trở thành một người dẫn dắt,...

If you remember the movie, “The Matrix” (1999) you’ll likely remember the “Oracle.”  A character able to see into the future, a power used...

Sự Chính Trực Và Lãnh Đạo – Integrity and Leadership

The Bible reminds us in Proverbs 28:6, “Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked...