Only One Jesus – Chỉ Một Chúa Giêsu

There was only one Jesus, one uniquely begotten Son of God. We cannot be Him. Neither can we follow Him as our leader without...

Helping Hands – Bàn Tay Trợ Giúp

Hands are designed to interact with the world around us. We use them to touch people, to lift objects, to work with tools, to...

Decision Needed – Quyết định cần thiết

As leaders, others often look for our perspective and guidance. Sometimes we can anticipate the decisions we will be called upon to make, other...

But We – Phần Chúng Ta

Jesus’ humility and selfless servanthood stood in contrast to the religious and political leaders of his day. While some may object that selflessly leading...

Join Him – Hãy Cộng Tác Với Ngài

God is at work, shaping history to accomplish His purposes. He is continually inviting us to join in. Are you listening? He speaks through...

5 Ways to Respond When Life Throws You a Curveball – ...

Curveballs in life are inevitable. Unexpected surprises can level us or become opportunities to learn. The curveball...

Up, Down, Out and Around – Trên, Dưới, Ngoài và Xung Quanh

Leaders take the initiative to make situations better, to increase levels of trust, communication, collaboration, and accomplishment. It doesn’t matter if we are in...

The God We Serve – Thiên Chúa chúng ta phục vụ

Time and again the challenges of life and leadership call us back to remembering who God is so that we can reset our vision...

At Work Within – Hoạt Động Bên Trong

How is God at work in your life? Where do you want Him to be at work in you? The more important question is,...

What Does It Look Like? – Muối và Ánh Sáng Trông Như Thế Nào?

Now that the 2016 United States election is over, what is the response of Jesus-followers? We are reminded in Scripture that we are to...
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Moving School 2022

Thư Mời Các bạn trẻ thân mến, Trong ý hướng không ngừng học hỏi và tự đào tạo để trở nên những Kitô hữu dấn thân...

Be a Teacher, not an “Oracle” – Hãy trở thành một người dẫn dắt,...

If you remember the movie, “The Matrix” (1999) you’ll likely remember the “Oracle.”  A character able to see into the future, a power used...

Sự Chính Trực Và Lãnh Đạo – Integrity and Leadership

The Bible reminds us in Proverbs 28:6, “Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked...