Overlooked Opportunities – Những Cơ Hội Bị Bỏ Lỡ

Our work, career, church, and community leadership roles are often the first things that come to mind when we think about leadership. These public...

Choosing Thankfulness – Hãy Lựa Chọn Lòng Biết Ơn

A human perspective on thankfulness often includes looking at our circumstances and giving thanks based on the blessings and benefits we perceive. Scripture offers...

Show Us Your Strength – Xin tỏ cho chúng con sức mạnh của Ngài

Where is God leading you? What does your day hold? Past success may tempt you to rely on your own strength, to think that...

The Importance of Prayer – Tầm Quan Trọng Của Lời Cầu Nguyện

Paul knew the importance of the prayers of God’s people in his ministry role. Whether it is in our personal discipleship, as a friend...

Followers – Những Môn Đệ Ngài

In a world where everyone wants to be a leader, being a follower is often looked down upon. Yet none of us stands alone....

Ánh Sáng Của Sự Sống

"Đây là nơi mà Chúa Giê-su đã giáng sinh." "Đây chính là nơi mà Chúa Giê-su đã chịu khổ hình trên thập giá." "Và đây chính...

In His Image – Trong Hình Ảnh Thiên Chúa

The world around us presses in, trying to shape us into its image. Yet we do not belong to the world, and we do...

Choosing Change – Lựa Chọn Biến Đổi

  What is your first reaction when you read the word change? Is it a moment of dread and despair? Perhaps, you...

More than Self – Hơn Bản Thân Mình

What does it look like for us to love others more than self? Jesus is our example. His Spirit works within us, taking our...

Given a Trust – Được Trao Một Niềm Tin

It’s all His. Every part of life belongs to God. We are entrusted by Him with influence, position, resources, skill, even the energy to...
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Moving School 2022

Thư Mời Các bạn trẻ thân mến, Trong ý hướng không ngừng học hỏi và tự đào tạo để trở nên những Kitô hữu dấn thân...

Be a Teacher, not an “Oracle” – Hãy trở thành một người dẫn dắt,...

If you remember the movie, “The Matrix” (1999) you’ll likely remember the “Oracle.”  A character able to see into the future, a power used...

Sự Chính Trực Và Lãnh Đạo – Integrity and Leadership

The Bible reminds us in Proverbs 28:6, “Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked...